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Vitality Strengthing Astavarga Plants

Vitality Strengthing Astavarga Plants In this book Swami Ram dev Ji explains that our ancient herbs have always been the source of food, as well as medicine to us. This book illustrates that if an herb is not being used in our foods it is not necessary that it is of no value to us. He also explains that as per ancient Ayurvedic sayings and texts our surrounded environment has provided us with limitless products that can be used in varied purposes. This book explains that if one has to attain a healthy body as well as mind he or she must live in harmony with the nature and surroundings. One must follow the rules of nature, season, should know the limitations of own body and protect you from any microbial infections.

This book explains to us the sages used various simple measures that are provided by the nature to treat the most acute as well as chronic diseases. This book throws a light on the aspect that one day man will have to return to the nature once again to fulfill the needs. And to do so that plants, herbs etc are very beneficial. They have always given us everything and have not asked much from us in return. If it was not for the availability of these herbal plants in the nature the human race should perished long ago.

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